How often have seen people encounter problems and seeking God without finding the right words? How many times have we seen some believers witnessing to others, and not finding the right verse to share, not knowing where to find it?
It all boils down to being familiar with the Bible, the word of God which our only weapon. Knowing where to find the right verse is important.
When we feel that we need God to speak in our hearts, it is comforting to know where to find the exact words written. When we witness to others, it is more effective to show that it is indeed written, and that it is not just your word but God's word.
So how do we become familiar with the Word? It is in the practice of carrying your Bible --- in church, when lessons are laid out, in small group studies, or, even when reading daily devotions. And when doing so, marking the verses with a handy marking pen. So that in any circumstance, when you need the right word, you know exactly where it is written. Indeed it is written in your heart, but you also need to be familiar in handling the Word in many circumstances.
Many believers today don't carry their Bibles to church anymore. How important is it to carry your Bible along during mass or church service? Today, most churches have the convenience of technology to flash on screen the scriptures verses, and all you have to do is look to the screen and read the verses. At the same time, the speakers say or read it aloud for you to hear. So why carry your bible and thumb through it, since it is all there. Why, isn’t it more important to just listen and glue your to the priest or pastor? But after Sunday church, when you go through the rest of the week, and when you encounter problems needing God's word of comfort, where do you find that scripture verse that you heard? When the going gets rough and you need God’s word to comfort you, where exactly do you find it? When you are given the opportunity to witness or comfort someone, and you need to tell them exactly the right scripture verse, you don’t know where to find it. You just keep on saying, “It’s somewhere here, I know”… “Ah, never-mind, I’ll show it to you next time, when I find it”.
Of course it is always good to listen intently at the sermon or preaching, but as you do, even as they speak, check out the source --- the scripture verse --- find out where exactly it was written. Not really to verify if the speaker is right, but simply to note where it is, so you could keep the verse handy for your own sake when Sunday is over and the next six days roll by. So that when trouble arises (and you don’t know when it will) you can be assured in knowing where to find God’s promises --- to comfort yourself, to comfort others. When you find the scripture verse, then you also vividly remember what your priest or preacher told you about the verse. The scriptures flashed on-screen is handy. When you see it, you read it --- but take note of it in your own Bible, chapter and verse… Speedily thumb through it TO NOTE WHERE EXACTLY it is. After you find it, get back to listening. When you do this, you actually get familiar with the Word of the God. When you get familiar with it, you’ll know exactly where to find the right Word at the right time. At first, you’ll find it not easy to find the verses as fast, but it takes practice, familiarization and constant turning of pages. And the best time to practice that is during Sunday church.
Carry your Bible to church. Make it your personal Bible. Practice opening it, thumbing to the scripture verses. If at all useful, get a colored marker to mark the verses. Even write small notes on it, as you listen to the speaker. You will find the value of this when the time comes --- when the speakers are not around, when it's only you and God. When you know where to find the right word, you will realize what it means to Taste and See that the Word of the Lord is Good. When you are alone, you know exactly where to find God's promises. When you witness, you can easily prove that it is not your word, but it is written.
Always carry your Bible to church. Be familiar with God's word. And never go to battle without the sword, which is His word.
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