Wednesday, May 11, 2011


The most dramatic changes in your life will come from God's initiative, not yours. The people that God used mightily in the scripture were all ordinary people to whom He gave divine assignments that they never could have initiated. The Lord often took them by surprise, for they are not seeking significant mandates from God. Even so, He saw their hearts, and He knew they were trustworthy.

The Lord spoke to Abram when He was beginning to build a nation dedicated to His purpose on earth. Through this nation would come the Savior. God appeared to Moses at the very time He had purposed to deliver Israel out of slavery in Egypt. God found in Jesse's youngest son David a godly man who could lead His people. God surprised Mary when He told her she would be the mother of the Messiah. God's Son selected the twelve disciples, all ordinary, uneducated men, when He was ready to take the good news of His salvation to the world.

Through the ages God has taken the initiative in the everyday lives of people to accomplish things through them that they never could have imagined.

The Lord may be initiating some new things in your life. When He tells you what His plans are, trust Him and walk closely with Him. Don't let the busyness of your present activity keep you from experiencing all that God has in store for you. You will see Him accomplish things through your life that you never dreamed were possible (Eph 3:20).

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths." [Prov 3:5,6 NKJV]


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