Thursday, December 25, 2008

St. Joseph: The Forgotten Man in Christmas' Story

Amid all the Christmas activities, one man is almost often forgotten.

No, I don’t mean the person whose birthday we’re celebrating. Although many people sometimes fail to give Jesus Christ first place as He deserves, we don’t usually forget Him at the center of the Christmas story. we are talking talking about Joseph, Jesus' foster father — the man God trusted so much that He placed His Son in his home to love and nurture.

Have you ever imagined what responsibility God gave to Joseph? His task was an important component of God’s incredible plan. As we read the story of the birth of Jesus, we find that Joseph was just, righteous, merciful, protective, and courageous. But most of all—he was obedient. When the angel told him to take Mary as his wife, he obeyed (Matt. 1:24). And when the angel told him to flee to Egypt with Mary and Jesus, he did (2:13-14).

Just as Mary was carefully chosen to bear the Son of God, Joseph was deliberately chosen to provide for his young wife and the Christ-child. And trusting God, Joseph followed through on everything God asked him to do.

Gleaning from the life exemplified by Joseph, ponder on what is God asking of you today? Like Joseph and the other great men of faith in the Bible, are we willing to commit yourself to do whatever He wants you to do?

We can learn much about obedience from Joseph, the ''forgotten man of Christmas''.

The proof of our love for God
is our obedience to the commands of God.


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