Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Is there a proper way of calling on the Lord Jesus Christ? Do we call him "Jesus Christ", "Lord Jesus Christ", or simply "Jesus"? How must we address the Son of the Most High God?

After a nice prayer we commonly hear people say, "In Jesus Name". Sometimes people would add nice descriptive words like “In the sweet name of Jesus” or “In Jesus mighty name”.

In the New Testament gospels and epistles, all names and titles used of Jesus Christ represent the different relationships which are sustained by Him.

JESUS. The same name as the Hebrew “Jehoshua”, or the abbreviated form ‘Joshua’ (used in Heb. 4:8 / Acts 7:45), and means “the salvation of Jehovah” or Jehovah the Savior. The name ‘Jesus’ expresses the relation of Jehovah to Him in incarnation, by which “He humbled himself, becoming obedient unto death, even to the death of the cross.” (Phil 2:8); Who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God”. The name ‘Jesus’ is the name associated with ‘humiliation’ which He endured in order to “save His People from their sins” (Matt 1:23).

His People never therefore never addressed Him as “Jesus”, but always as “Master” or “Lord” (Luke 6:46 / John 13:13, 14), and so should all His people today; not following the examples of demons (in Matt. 8:20), or His enemies, who irreverently called Him “Jesus”.

CHRIST. This is the Greek translation of the Hebrew ‘Mashiah’. ‘Christos’ has the same meaning, from ‘chrio’, to anoint. Hence, the noun is used of and for the Messiah, and in the Gospels should always be translated “Messiah”, as well as in the Acts, and sometimes in the later books of the New Testament.

JESUS CHRIST. In the combination of these two names, the former is emphatic by its position, the second being subsidiary and explanatory. In the Gospels it means “Jesus the Messiah”. In the Epistles, it means Jesus who humbled Himself but is now exalted and glorified as Christ. Care should be taken to note the various readings.

CHRIST JESUS. This is the converse of “Jesus Christ” and denotes the now exalted One, Who once humbled himself.

CHRIST THE LORD. This the Hebrew Mashiah Jehovah = Jehovah’s Anointed, as in 1 Samuel 24:6. It occurs only in Luke 2:11; The anointed of Jehovah, Luke 2:26. All names and titles used of Jesus Christ represent the different relationships. May all of human kind (saved or unsaved) address the Savior who now sits on High as "Lord Jesus Christ", in calling on him in prayer, or even when simply mentioning His name in conversation.


What's in a Name?

Even dignitaries here on earth are given due respect as men of authority, with earthly titles or positions. When we address the president of any nation, we properly address them as “His Excellency”… or “Mr. President”. We mention the nicknames like “Bill" (for former president Bill Clinton) especially during relaxed conversation with friends --- but when standing in front of them or when writing an official/formal letter we don't address them by first name basis, we address them with the proper title of honor... we say "Mr. President" or in Asian countries “His Excellency”. Even ministers of the state or judges are addressed as “The Honorable” or as “Your Honor”.

Then, why must we give due respect and the same title of honor when addressing the Son of the Most High who now sits at the right hand of God? On earth, there have been many people named as “Jesus” --- some Christian parents even proudly name them as such in honor of the Lord. What would distinguish our Lord from the same people with the same name. Simply saying “Jesus” may mean any other person “Jesus” walking on earth.

So when calling on (or mentioning) the name of the Son of the Most High God should we not properly address Him as “Lord Jesus Christ”, to give Him the respect and honor which is rightfully due His position.

We hope that in the next time we approach the Lord’s presence in prayer, may we properly address the resurrected Lord, the Son of the Most High God, rightfully with all due respect... in honor and title, as “Our Lord Jesus Christ”. In ending our prayers, may we properly say … “This we pray in the name Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”, or “In The Name of Our Lord and Head Jesus Christ”, or the converse of it “In the name of Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen”.

Let us not follow the examples of demons (in Matt. 8:20), or His enemies, who irreverently called Him “Jesus”. Let’s approach Him with the right salutations, with proper exaltation. It is but just and right.

Peace be to all who call on the name of our Lord, Savior and Head Christ Jesus.



Do you ever wonder about your purpose in life? The is a fairly deep philosophical question, but the answer isn't too complicated. True purpose can be found only in matters that have eternal significance.

You have a family, a job and a community where you live and share your life's purpose. God all these to you, and you are doing what you can to make your life worth it to all the people around you.

A part of God's purpose for your life is to tell people about Him. Only God through Christ, can change a life for eternity, and he has called you to deliver that message to people around you. He has called you for that purpose. You can do many things with the many people around you, but add God's purpose in you in their life. If you care enough for them, you will tell them about the good news in Christ.

It is easy to become distracted in the Christian life. The moment you understand what God wants you to do, it will seem as though everyone around you requires your time and attention! When the time came for Jesus Christ to begin His public ministry, he left his childhood home in Nazareth. He preached from town to town. He organized a band of disciples. He did his mission.

When the time came for Jesus to go to the cross, He “set His face” toward Jerusalem, so that nothing would prevent Him from accomplishing His Father’s will. So obvious was His resolve to go to Jerusalem that the Samaritans, who hated the Jews, rejected Him because they recognized that He was a Jew traveling through their village to the hated city of Jerusalem.

Jesus determined not to digress from His mission, but He took time to minister to many people along His way. He sent out seventy disciples into the surrounding towns (Luke 10:1). He healed lepers (Luke 17:11–19). He cured a man of dropsy (Luke 14:1–4). He brought salvation to the home of Zaccheus (Luke 19:1–10). He continued to teach His disciples (Luke 15:1–32). Jesus did not refuse to minister to others as He went to Calvary, but ultimately He refused to be deterred from His Father’s will.

If you know what God wants you to do, set your sights resolutely toward that goal with full determination to accomplish it (Prov. 4:25). Your resolve to go where God is leading ought to be evident to those around you. Beware of becoming so sidetracked by the opportunities around you that you lose sight of God’s ultimate goal for you. Do not succumb to the temptation to delay your obedience or to discard it altogether. Once you have received a clear assignment from God, your response should be unwavering obedience.

God gave us a free will, and we can decide for ourselves whether we will obey His commandments. You shouldn't have to pop a cranial corpuscle to decide whether you should follow God's plan for your life. He knows everything. He loves you and he is wholly holy.


Thursday, December 25, 2008

St. Joseph: The Forgotten Man in Christmas' Story

Amid all the Christmas activities, one man is almost often forgotten.

No, I don’t mean the person whose birthday we’re celebrating. Although many people sometimes fail to give Jesus Christ first place as He deserves, we don’t usually forget Him at the center of the Christmas story. we are talking talking about Joseph, Jesus' foster father — the man God trusted so much that He placed His Son in his home to love and nurture.

Have you ever imagined what responsibility God gave to Joseph? His task was an important component of God’s incredible plan. As we read the story of the birth of Jesus, we find that Joseph was just, righteous, merciful, protective, and courageous. But most of all—he was obedient. When the angel told him to take Mary as his wife, he obeyed (Matt. 1:24). And when the angel told him to flee to Egypt with Mary and Jesus, he did (2:13-14).

Just as Mary was carefully chosen to bear the Son of God, Joseph was deliberately chosen to provide for his young wife and the Christ-child. And trusting God, Joseph followed through on everything God asked him to do.

Gleaning from the life exemplified by Joseph, ponder on what is God asking of you today? Like Joseph and the other great men of faith in the Bible, are we willing to commit yourself to do whatever He wants you to do?

We can learn much about obedience from Joseph, the ''forgotten man of Christmas''.

The proof of our love for God
is our obedience to the commands of God.


It All Happened at a Remarkable Moment

''He gave up His place with God
and made himself nothing.
He was born to be a man
and become like a servant''
~ Philippians 2:7

While we all remember the birth of Jesus Christ as a silent night with almost romantic setting, we also put into mind that God came to earth with a eternal mission of ending our slavery to sin... once and for all. It all happened in a most remarkable moment... a moment like no other...

God became man. Divinity arrived on earth. Heaven opened and placed the Almighty One in a human womb. The Omnipotent, in one instant, became flesh and blood. The one who was larger than the universe became a microscopic embryo. And He who sustains the world with a word chose to be dependent upon the nourishment of a young girl. God has visited man on earth.

What is man that You are mindful of him,
and the son of man, that You visit him?
For You have made him a little lower than the angels,
and have crowned him with glory and honor.

You made him rule over the works of Your hands;
You have put all things under his feet
~ Psalm 8:4-6

With Christ Jesus, we share the mission of telling mankind about God's love and the truth in Jesus Christ. To tell all about the slavery to sin and the the salvation freely given with the promise of eternal life. Many still do not know the true meaning why God came to earth. When given the opportunity, tell them about God's love and the good news of salvation.

... ... ...

Sunday, December 21, 2008



Once again it is the time of the year when all the world remember the night in Bethlehem, when our dear Saviour came. Amidst the stillness of the night, our God came to earth and made Himself flesh. Even as He was so dainty and fragile, a child wrapped in swaddling clothes, heaven knew that it was of a special mission that the almighty God came to earth, that once and for all, to end darkness and evil on earth. That blessed night was the beginning of mankind's fate.

In this season of joy, we remember Jesus Christ who came to earth... to save us even while we were yet sinners.

Psalm 8:5-7
What is man, that you art mindful of him?
Or the son of man, that you visit him?

You have made him a little less than the angels,
You have crowned him with glory and honor:
And have set him over the works of thy hands.

Let all earth rejoice for how God so loved man's kind.


would like to take this opportunity to thank all the members of the Christian Warriors on Earth group site for your open-hand of fellowship. We all converged on the month of June 2008, when we 1st opened the site. Fellow Christians from cyberspace, from different parts of the world.

We never met each other, yet in Christ, we have fellowship in this site. We may have different persuasions or denominations yet, we have greeted each other with the love of Christ. We post and argue insights, yet we learn and unlearn in the name of the spirit of bonding in Christ.

In the past six months, I have enjoyed your fellowship. Through your posts, your PMs, your emails; your encouragements, replies, and even your complaints. I learned from you all. And I cherish our fellowship in this site.

Though we may not all see each other, I am certain that if we hold on to the faith in Jesus Christ... we will all meet each other one day, in God's time. No more keyboards, no more screens, no more logging-in. We will have fellowship, forever.

My warmest greetings to all Christian Warriors on Earth. May you all enjoy the holidays with your family and loved ones. Celebrate the holidays, and make Christ the reason for the season. And when the new year comes... let's get back to the business of evangelizing, encouraging, and making disciples of men :-)

