Tuesday, December 28, 2010


''For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.
Plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a
Jeremiah 29:11

No one knows you like God does. He’s known about you since before time began. He was present at your birth, and he’s been intimately acquainted with every detail of your life right up until now. He’s aware of your weaknesses as well as your strengths. He knows your fears and your joys. He knows how to make your life fulfilling and how to make it really count for something. That’s why he has plans for you. He didn’t create you, then abandon you to figure out life as you go along. He loves you far too much for that!

God has a perfect plan for your life. It’s tailored just for you. It matches the things He’s building into your character right now. The plan he has for you is not the same as His plans for your friends. All of your experiences, both good and bad, fits into His plans. The promises He has made to you and the things He has taught you are part of His design for your life.

How tragic to live your life and accomplish all your own goals, yet never discovering what could have been if you had sought God’s direction! Be sure to spend time consulting the Master in your decisions. He will show you options you never considered. You will have no regrets when you allow God to direct your steps, for His path leads to abundant life (John 10:10)

For whom He foreknew, He also predestined
to be conformed to the image of His Son,
that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.
Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called;
whom He called, these He also justified;
and whom He justified, these He also glorified.
Romans 8:29-30

Remember, your life is a part of God’s grand design. God had a plan for your life since before time began. Your life, therefore, has a destiny. Christ is the model upon which the Father is developing your life. You are meant to have a relationship with the Father that is as intimate as the relationship between Jesus and the Father (John 17:21). Every event He allows into your life is designed to make you more like Christ.

God’s call came when He invited you to join Him in the process! His call was extremely personal, designed specifically for your response. How wonderful to realize that at a particular moment in history, almighty God spoke personally to you and invited you to become His child!

What could be possibly stopping men from realizing their destiny with God? Because of sin, people could never live blamelessly. But God forgave your sin and justified you, declaring you righteous. All the spiritual debt you carried with Him was forgiven, and you were freed to enjoy God and to serve Him for the rest of eternity. In Biblical times, the glory of God’s people was His presence. You, too, are glorified because the fullness of God now dwells within you, and you will one day be with Him (Col. 1:27; 2:9). He invites you to join Him in working out His will in your life—conforming you to His image (Phil. 2:12).

God has a glorious design for you. Your task in life is discover what He has purposed in your life.
Do not let it pass. Find out what God has destined you to be.


Sunday, December 12, 2010


At times we feel as if we could impress God with all we are trying to do for Him and His church. Yet God has yet to be impressed with even the most grandiose human aspirations. (Psalms 8:3-4). We can never set a goal so big or attempt a task so significant that God does not have something far greater than He Could do in and through your life. Saul of Tarsus worked harder than anyone else to impress God with his efforts, only to discover that his greatest achievements were but rubbish compared to God's will for his life. (Phil 3:7-8). Can we really impress God with what we do? Our problem is that we become too easily enamored with our own plans. If we are attempting to do noble or difficult things, we assume that we must be experiencing the maximum potential for our lives and that God must, therefore, be pleased with us. Think about what Apostle Paul said in Ephesians 3:20: "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us." Until we have heard from God, we cannot even imagine all that our lives could become or all that God could accomplish through us. We need to remind ourselves that the Father sees the "big picture," that His power far exceeds our limited imagination. We must set aside our own agenda, however lofty. We must never become satisfied with our own dreams, for they are finite at best. When we follow God's direction we will witness things happening in our lives that can only be explained by His powerful presence. How could we be satisfied with anything less?
