Tuesday, October 12, 2010


"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." [Psalms 37:4] This verse sounds too good to be true. The Lord will give us whatever we want? But God is not a heavenly Santa Claus who always delivers everything on our wish list. Neither is He an indulgent grandparent who lives to spoil the grandkids by giving all we want. Nor is God a weak parent who, annoyed by whining and tears, gives in to us to keep the peace. So what does this verse mean? God will give you the desires of your heart, but the prerequisite is setting your heart to delight His ways. Are you able to do that, to rejoice in the things that give God joy? Is your heart broken by agonies in the world, by the very things that break God's heart? Is regular time with your Lord nourishment for your soul? Do you love being in His presence in times of worship, both corporate and private? As you delight yourself in the Lord in these and other ways, God adjusts your heart to be in tune with His. Then the longings that grow in your hearts --- the seeds of which are sown during your time with your heavenly Father --- will be His desires for you. And of course He will satisfy that godly hunger.
