Sunday, July 13, 2008


Re-Post from Multiplier savedbyhisgrace]

Rom 7:23 But in every part of me I discover something fighting against my mind, and it makes me a prisoner of sin that controls everything I do.

Pro 3:21 My child, use common sense and sound judgment! Always keep them in mind.

Pro 12:20 An evil mind is deceitful, but gentle thoughts bring happiness.

Pro 23:33 You will see weird things, and your mind will play tricks on you.

Pro 24:12 Don't say, "I didn't know it!" God can read your mind. He watches each of us and knows our thoughts. And God will pay us back for what we do.

Psa 25:21 I obey you with all my heart, and I trust you, knowing that you will save me.

Psa 27:8 My heart tells me to pray. I am eager to see your face,
Psa 27:9 so don't hide from me. I am your servant, and you have helped me. Don't turn from me in anger. You alone keep me safe. Don't reject or desert me.

Psa 37:4 Do what the LORD wants, and he will give you your heart's desire.

Psa 42:2 In my heart, I am thirsty for you, the living God. When will I see your face?

Psa 50:23 The sacrifice that honors me is a thankful heart. Obey me, and I, your God, will show my power to save.

Psa 84:2 Deep in my heart I long for your temple, and with all that I am I sing joyful songs to you.

Psa 111:1 Shout praises to the LORD! With all my heart I will thank the LORD when his people meet.
Luk 12:34 Your heart will always be where your treasure is.

Today I write as a conflict wages war within me. Today I write as a conflict wages war in the hearts and minds of all believers. Today I write as a conflict wages war between the flesh and the spirit. Today I write as a conflict wages war in the world between believers and non-believers. God never said that serving Him would be easy but He did say that He is with us always even unto the end of the earth.

There is a constant conflict between the desires of a worldly mind living in a sinful world and a heart saved by the precious blood of the Lamb. No one can understand the heart of a believer except the heart of another believer or God himself. We live in a world that fears those that are different, so much so that they will turn against them, rise up against them, to try and eliminate that fear. This conflict rages on to this day and will continue to the day we are all called home to be with God.

This conflict is worldwide and is as old as the earth itself. To understand the conflict that rages on between your mind and your heart as a Christian we can look at the even bigger picture for an answer. The conflict between mind and heart, flesh and spirit, believer and non-believer all stem from the same source. That source is the lack of or presence of God. Where God is there is light, love, understanding, encouragement, inspiration, and acceptance. Where God is not there is darkness, selfishness, greed, bitterness, destruction, turmoil, and rejection.

We are all made of flesh and live in a fleshly world. We are bombarded daily by all of the darkness, selfishness, greed, bitterness, destruction, turmoil, and rejection. This cannot help but take a toll on the heart of a believer. It is so easy, to give into the desires of our own fleshly mind especially when we are constantly beaten down by the world. We tell ourselves that WE DESERVE this sinful thing in our life. But, let me tell you that sin in your life no matter how small it may seem to you is like a cancer and will grow until it destroys your heart and your relationship with God.

The mind of a believer is a battlefield where Satan the great deceiver is constantly waging his war against your heart. We have to be armed with the full armor of God to stand a chance at all.

Eph 6:13 So put on all the armor that God gives. Then when that evil day comes, you will be able to defend yourself. And when the battle is over, you will still be standing firm.

Let’s just step back and take a look at your odds of survival in this war. Let’s just say you are a Christian you are saved and you love the Lord with all your heart. Now lets factor in that you live in a sinful world that is constantly bombarding you with all of its sinful treasures. You say, well I can handle that. OK, lets now factor in that Satan the great deceiver one who is very powerful sets his sights on you. To destroy you he begins to make this war even more personal by trying to get you to turn away from God through the circumstances in your life. It may be by taking the life of your dearest loved one, or infidelity in your marriage, or just by taking advantage of your biggest weakness. Now, I think you would agree with me that we stand no chance at all being made of flesh, living in a fleshly world, and being targeted by the great deceiver. The only chance we have in this world is by taking on the full armor of God and being separate from the world. Let not your mind dwell on un-pure thoughts, not even for a moment. Think on things that are pure and Holy in His sight.

Eze 36:26 I will take away your stubborn heart and give you a new heart and a desire to be faithful. You will have only pure thoughts,
Eze 36:27 because I will put my Spirit in you and make you eager to obey my laws and teachings.

As a Christian putting on the full armor of God are we still at risk? Yes, we will always be at risk. There will always be those times when we let our guard down and the great deceiver will always be there to take advantage of your weakness. But, PRAISE GOD, the war has already been won and Satan knows this. Satan can take you down but he cannot take you. For you belong to God and He will never let you go.

If the war has already been won then why do we still need to fight? First off, we fight because God tells us too and that alone is enough. We fight as God tells us that if we live our life for Him and be separate from the world that He will bless our lives but if we live our lives for ourselves He WILL PUNISH US. Would you not punish your own children if they disobeyed you? God loves you and knows what is best for you and His commandments are here to protect us, give us a better life, and lead us into His precious arms for all eternity.

Dear Lord,

I come before you now with a humble heart, praising your Holy Name. I thank you so much for the love and guidance you provide us. Lord you know us better than we know ourselves. You know our weaknesses and you know the odds we stand against in a sinful fleshly world. I call upon you gifts of strength, power, love, and faith. Dear Lord grant us with these gifts this day and each day to come. Don us with the full armor of God that we would be protected from all this world has in store. I praise you father for sending your son that we might have everlasting life through Him. We are all soldiers for Christ. Help us to stand brave and faithful for you Lord. May our hearts overpower our minds and may we always think on those things that are pure and Holy in your sight Lord. For I ask all these things in the name of Jesus.

Now just sit back relax and enjoy one of my favorite artists MercyMe playing the song Where The Streets Have No Name. Lift your hands High and Praise HIM!!! For HE IS GOD!!! I so remember this song in concert!!! Wow!!! If ever there was a time to take it to a higher level that time is now! Step it up Christians for your world, your country, your state, your city, your family, and even you need this at this time. Praise God!!!!!


This above article was originally posted by a fellow-Multiplier named Bob , from Dallas, Texas, USA [Multiply ID:]

Saturday, July 12, 2008


"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." [Psalms 37:4]

This verse sounds too good to be true. The Lord will give us whatever we want?

But God is not a heavenly Santa Claus who always delivers everything on our wish list. Neither is He an indulgent grandparent who lives to spoil the grandkids by giving all we want. Nor is God a weak parent who, annoyed by whining and tears, gives in to us to keep the peace.

So what does this verse mean? God will give you the desires of your heart, but the prerequisite is setting your heart to delight His ways. Are you able to do that, to rejoice in the things that give God joy? Is your heart broken by agonies in the world, by the very things that break God's heart? Is regular time with your Lord nourishment for your soul? Do you love being in His presence in times of worship, both corporate and private?

As you delight yourself in the Lord in these and other ways, God adjusts your heart to be n tune with His. Then the longings that grow in your hearts --- the seeds of which are sown during your time with your heavenly Father --- will be His desires for you. And of course He will satisfy that godly hunger.


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Praying For Grace, Mercy, and Peace For Your Loved Ones

To Timothy, a true son in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. (1 Timothy 1:2)

How you pray for your family members and friends is important. There is no better way to pray for someone you love than by following the example found in Scripture. Paul often asked for specific gifts from God for those He cared about. On Timothy’s behalf, Paul requested grace, mercy, and peace.

Grace is the unearned gifts the Father bestows on His children. The Lord relates to us only by His grace. His grace provided salvation though we deserved destruction (Eph. 2:8). His grace blesses us with the riches of heaven. His grace brings us peace in troublesome times. His grace brings us good things every day (1 Tim. 1:14).

Mercy is God withholding the punishment we deserve because of our sinfulness. The consequences of our sin is death, yet Jesus paid this penalty for us (Rom. 6:23). God is long-suffering and will delay giving us our just punishment in order for us to have every opportunity to repent and to receive His gift of salvation (2 Pet. 3:9).

Peace is the state of mind and heart we experience when we are confident of God’s grace and mercy toward us. Peace comes in knowing that God’s grace will sustain us, even in our most difficult crises (Phil. 4:7). God assures us that even when we fail miserably in our commitments to Him, He will show mercy upon us. This assurance gives us peace.

The peace God gives is fundamentally different from the peace the world offers (John 14:27). The world seeks to sedate us from the problems we face through counseling or drugs or temporary pleasures. The peace that God gives goes right to the soul, relieving the heart and mind.

How are you praying for your loved ones?

There could be no better request than asking the Lord to give them an abundance of His grace, His mercy, and His peace.
